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replace.me – Autodesk | 3D Design, Engineering & Entertainment Software – Requirements to use Autocad 2018:
The AutoCAD educational versions are fully functional for both students and teachers. To download AutoCAD, you must follow the following steps:.
Enter your account or create a new one. Then you need to accept the service terms and the system will let you know that the download is ready.
When activating the executable, there will be a screen showing the program downloading, so you have to wait a few minutes. It is suggested to use Wifi connection because the size is 4 GB.
When finished, the install button will be activated. By mail you will receive a license confirmation, where it is indicated that you can install it on two computers, with a useful time of 3 years. Resolutions until x supported by Windows 10, 64 bits with video card memory capacity. DirectX 11 compatibility is recommended Disk space Installation 4. The main login in the workstations can be Netware or Windows. NET Framework.
NET Framework Version 4. It selects which version is required to download. System requirements for AutoCAD Coventional Monitors: x x recommended with True Color High resolution monitors and 4K : Resolutions until x supported by Windows 10, 64 bits with video card memory capacity.
DirectX 11 compatibility is recommended. Deployment through the Deployment Wizard.
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