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The bestselling “bible” of project management In today’s time-crunched, cost-conscious global business environment, tight project deadlines …. Keep projects on track Microsoft Project is a powerhouse project management, portfolio management, and resource …. Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Then in the Explorer menu that opens you can name the PDF and choose where to save it and then select Save.

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To see step-by-step instructions, select an Office program from the drop-down list. Which Office program are you using? Open the table or report you want to publish as a PDF.

In the File Name field, type or select a name for the document. Select Publish. This information also applies to Microsoft Excel Starter Select the File tab. You can accomplish that next. Display the project summary task.

Point to the note icon for task 0. You might recognize the note that appears in the ScreenTip. This text was entered in the Comments field of the Properties dialog box, which you set up in Chapter 3.

As Figure shows, a hyperlink icon appears in the Indicators column. Pointing to the icon displays the descriptive text you entered earlier. For practice file download instructions, see the introduction to this book. Resources include the people, equipment, and material needed to complete the work of a project.

Effective resource management is one of the most significant advantages of using Project instead of using task-focused planning tools such as issue-ticketing systems. You can manage three types of resources in Project—work resources and two special-purpose resources: cost and material. Cost resources represent categories of financial costs, derived from specific tasks, that you need to account for in the plan. Examples include categories of expenses, such as travel and entertainment.

Material resources are consumables that get used up as the project proceeds. For example, a construction project might need to track steel or concrete as it is used throughout the project. This chapter guides you through procedures related to setting up work resources, entering the maximum capacity for work resources, entering work resource pay rates, adjusting working time in a resource calendar, setting up cost resources, and documenting resources by using notes.

Set up work resources Work resources are the people and equipment doing the work of the project. Project focuses on two aspects of work resources: their availability and their costs. Availability pertains to when specific resources can work on tasks and how much work those resources can perform.

Costs refers to the financial costs incurred by resources performing work on the project. In Project, work resource names can refer to specific people or to specific job titles. Use whatever naming convention makes the most sense to you and to the people who will see your plan. The important questions are these: Who will see these resource names, and how will they identify the resources? The resource names you choose will appear both in Project and in any resource information shared from Project.

A resource might refer to somebody who is already on staff or to a position to be filled later. If you have not yet filled all the resource positions required, you might not have the names of specific people to enter. In that case, use descriptive placeholder names or job titles when setting up resources in Project.

The following table lists some examples of how you can enter work resource names. Work Resource Examples An individual person identified by name Jun Cao; Zac Woodall An individual person identified by job title or function Publisher; Contract specialist A group of people who have common skills when assigning such interchangeable resources to a task, you might not be concerned about who the individual resource is as long as that person has the right skills Copyeditors Equipment Offset lithography press Project can help you make smarter decisions about managing resources and monitoring financial costs.

To enter work resource names 1. Click an empty cell in the Resource Name column. Enter your resource names, pressing the Enter key after each one. Project applies the default Work resource type in the Type field. Tip You can quickly import resources from your email address book. First, switch to the Resource Sheet view. Then, on the Resource tab, click Add Resources.

To insert a new work resource within a resource list 1. Click in the cell in the Resource Name column where you want to insert the new resource. Project inserts a new row with the name in the Resource Name column and renumbers the subsequent resources.

With selected, enter the resource name and press Enter. To delete a resource 1. Right-click the resource name, and then click Delete Resource. Equipment resource considerations In Project, you set up people and equipment resources in exactly the same way; they are both examples of work resources.

However, you should be aware of important differences in how you can schedule these two work resources. Most people resources have a typical working day of 8 hours and usually no more than 12 hours, but equipment resources might have much more varied capacities for work, ranging from short durations followed by maintenance to around-the-clock sessions without interruption. Moreover, people resources might be flexible in the tasks they can perform, but equipment resources tend to be more specialized.

For example, a content editor for a book project might also act as a copyeditor when required, but a coffee machine cannot replace a computer. You do not need to track every piece of equipment that will be used in your plan, but you might want to set up equipment resources in these cases: Multiple teams or people might need a piece of equipment to accomplish different tasks simultaneously, and the equipment might be overbooked.

You want to plan and track costs associated with the equipment. Consider these issues if your plans involve equipment resources. Enter the maximum capacity for work resources Work resources do not have unlimited capacity within the limited duration of a plan, and Project helps you manage this.

The Max. Units field represents the maximum capacity of a resource to work on the tasks assigned to that resource. Project alerts you with an indicator and formatting if you assign the resource to more tasks than the resource can accomplish. Units value for new work resources. For a resource that represents not a specific person, but a category of interchangeable people with a common skill set, you can enter a larger maximum units value to indicate the number of available people.

For a resource that has less than full-time availability, you can enter a smaller maximum units value. For a hour work week, this equals 30 hours of capacity. Note that such a part-time working capacity might apply to a part-time worker or to a full-time worker who is allocated to a specific project only part time.

In the Resource Sheet view, click the Max. Units field for the resource you want to adjust the Max. Tip When you click a numeric value in a field such as Max. Units, up and down arrows appear. You can click these to display the number you want, or you can enter the number directly in the field. Enter the new value for the resource. Tip If you prefer, you can display and enter maximum units as partial or whole numbers such as 0.

To use this format, on the File tab, click Options. In the Project Options dialog box, click the Schedule tab. Enter work resource pay rates Almost all projects have some financial aspect, and cost limits the scope of many projects. Tracking and managing cost information in Project allows the project manager to answer such important questions as these: What is the expected total cost of the project, based on task durations and resource assignments?

Is the organization using expensive resources to do work that less expensive resources could do? How much money will a specific type of resource or task cost over the life of the project? Is the organization spending money at a rate that it can sustain for the planned duration of the project? In Project, you can enter standard rates and costs per use for work and material resources, in addition to overtime rates for work resources.

This is shown in Figure Recall that Project uses three types of resources: work, cost, and material. Tip Cost resources do not use pay rates and are described later in this chapter. Material resources are introduced in Chapter You can enter pay rates with a variety of time bases—per minute, hourly the default , daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

When a work resource has a standard pay rate entered and is assigned to a task, Project calculates the cost of the assignment. You can then see the cost per resource, cost per assignment, and cost per task and also costs rolled up to summary tasks and the entire plan. Project handles overtime expenses differently. Project applies the overtime pay rate only when you specifically record overtime hours for an assignment. Tip If you work with many resources who have the same standard or overtime pay rates, you can set up Project to apply these pay rates automatically whenever you add a new resource.

To do this, on the File tab, click Options. In the Project Options dialog box, click Advanced. Under the heading General Options for This Project, enter the default pay rates you want. You can specify when work resource standard and overtime costs should accrue. The options are at the start of work on a task, at the end of work on the task, or prorated the default evenly over the duration of the task. In addition to or instead of cost rates, a resource can include a set fee that Project applies to each task to which the resource is assigned.

This is called a cost per use. To enter a standard rate for a resource 1. In the Resource Sheet view, click the Std. Rate field for the resource for which you want to set a standard pay rate. Depending on the width of the column, you might see only Std. To enter an overtime rate for a resource 1. Click the Ovt. Rate field for the resource for which you want to set an overtime pay rate. Depending on the width of the column, you might see only Ovt. To enter a cost per use for a resource 1.

Project management focus: Getting resource cost information Work resources can account for the majority of costs in many projects. To take full advantage of the extensive costmanagement features in Project, the project manager ideally should know the costs associated with each work resource.

For people resources, obtaining such information might be difficult. In many organizations, only senior management and human resource specialists know the pay rates of all resources working on a project, and they might consider this information confidential.

Depending on your organizational policies and project priorities, you might not be able to track resource pay rates.

If you do include cost details in your plan and this is considered sensitive information, consider requiring a password to open such plans. To set a password, click the File tab and then click Save As. In the General Options dialog box, select the password protection options you want. Another strategy to consider is to use averaged burdened or blended rates for people resources. A burdened rate is a pay rate plus overhead costs per worker.

An averaged burdened rate describes everyone in general, but no one in particular. A blended rate can be the average of all the people who share a particular role. Adjust working time in a resource calendar Project uses different types of calendars for different purposes.

This topic focuses on resource calendars. A resource calendar controls the working and nonworking times of a specific resource. Project uses a resource calendar to determine when work for a resource can be scheduled.

Resource calendars apply only to work resources people and equipment , not to material or cost resources. When you initially create resources in a plan, Project creates a resource calendar for each work resource.

The initial working time settings for resource calendars exactly match those of the project calendar, which, by default, is the Standard base calendar.

The Standard base calendar is built into Project and accommodates a default work schedule from A. Monday through Friday, with an hour off for lunch each day. If all the working times of your resources match the working time of the project calendar, you do not need to edit any resource calendars. However, chances are good that some of your resources need exceptions to the working time in the project calendar: A flex-time work schedule Personal holiday vacation time Other times when a resource is not available to work on the project, such as time spent in training or when attending a conference Tip If you have a resource who is available to work on your project only part time, you might be tempted to set the working time of the resource in your project to reflect a part-time schedule, such as A.

However, a better approach is to adjust the availability of the resource as recorded in the Max. Changing the unit availability of the resource keeps the focus on the capacity of the resource to work on the project instead of on the specific times of the day when that work might occur. You can set the maximum units for a resource in the Resource Sheet view. Changes that you make to the project calendar are reflected automatically in resource calendars derived from the same project calendar.

For example, in the practice tasks in Chapter 3, you specified a nonworking day for a staff morale event, and Project rescheduled all work to skip that day.

Note, however, that after you create a resource calendar exception, that exception is not affected by later changes to the project calendar that cover the same time period. Tip If you find that you must edit several resource calendars in a similar way to handle a night shift, for example , an easier approach might be to assign a different base calendar to a resource or collection of resources. This is more efficient than editing individual resource calendars, and you can use the base calendar to make plan-wide adjustments, if needed.

For example, if your project includes a day shift and a night shift, you can apply the Night Shift base calendar to resources who work the night shift. You change a base calendar in the Change Working Time dialog box. For collections of resources, you can select a specific base calendar directly in the Base Calendar column on the Entry table in the Resource Sheet view.

To specify a calendar exception for a work resource 1. In the For calendar box, click the name of the resource whose calendar you want to change.

Accidently editing the wrong calendar is an easy mistake. In the Name field on the Exceptions tab in the lower portion of the dialog box, enter a description of the exception. The description for the calendar exception is a handy reminder for you and others who might view the plan later.

A calendar exception is illustrated in Figure Tip To set up a partial working time exception for a resource, such as a portion of a day when a resource cannot work, click Details. Display the Change Working Time dialog box. Click the Work Weeks tab. Click [Default] directly under the Name column heading, and then click Details. Under Selected Day s , select the day or days you want to adjust.

Do any of the following: To set the full days to nonworking, click Set days to nonworking times. To set working times that differ from the base calendar, click Set day s to these specific working times and then, in the From and To columns, enter the working times as shown in Figure To return to the base calendar working times, click Use times from base calendar for these days. Tip You can have a different, nondefault working week for a specific time period. For example, you can set up a resource to work four hour days each week for just 1 month.

On the Work Weeks tab, click below [Default] and add a name and the start and finish dates of the period. Then click Details to change the working times and days, as described earlier in this procedure. To assign a different base calendar to a resource 1. In the For calendar field, select the resource you want. In the Base calendar field of the resource, select the base calendar you want.

Tip To quickly apply the same base calendar to multiple resources, in the Resource Sheet view, use the Base Calendar field. Set up cost resources Another type of resource you can use in Project is the cost resource.

You can use a cost resource to represent a financial cost associated with a task in a plan. Although work resources people and equipment can have associated costs hourly rates and fixed costs per assignment , the sole purpose of a cost resource is to associate a particular type of cost with one or more tasks.

Common types of cost resources might include categories of expenses you want to track in a plan for accounting or financial reporting purposes, such as travel, entertainment, or training. Cost resources do no work and have no effect on the scheduling of a task. After you assign a cost resource to a task and specify the cost amount per task, you can see the cumulative costs for that type of cost resource, such as total travel costs in a project.

The way in which cost resources generate cost values differs from that of work resources. However, you enter the cost value of a cost resource only when you assign it to a task. You do this in the Cost field of the Assign Resources dialog box or in the Cost field of the Task form with the Cost detail shown.

To add a cost resource 1. In the Resource Sheet view, click in the Resource Name column where you want to add the cost resource. Project inserts a row for the new cost resource. Project names the new cost resource. With selected, enter the cost resource name and press Enter. For example, if a resource has conference time recorded as an exception in their resource calendar, it is a good idea to record this in a note.

That way, the note resides in the plan and can be easily viewed or printed. Chapter 4 describes creating a task note by clicking the Notes button on the Task tab, in the Properties group. You can enter resource notes in a similar way by clicking the Notes button on the Resource tab, in the Properties group.

Another option is to enter notes directly in the Resource Form view. The advantage of using the Resource Form is that you can view and edit notes for multiple resources more quickly. To enter a note for a resource in the Resource Information dialog box 1. Select a resource name. On the Resource tab, in the Properties group, click Notes.

In the Notes box, enter a note for the resource. To enter a note for a resource by using the Resource Form 1. On the Resource tab, in the Properties group, click the Details button. In this type of split view, details about the item that is selected in the upper pane a resource, in this case appear in the lower pane. You can quickly change the selected resource name in the upper pane by clicking a name directly, or by clicking Previous or Next in the Resource Form. The Resource Form view can display one of several details; initially, it displays the Schedule details.

Click anywhere in the Resource Form view to change the focus to the Resource Form. The label of the Format tab changes to Resource Form Tools. On the Format tab, in the Details group, click Notes. Tip You can also right-click in the gray, empty background area of the Resource Form view and, in the shortcut menu that appears, click Notes.

As shown in Figure , the Notes details appear in the Resource Form view. In the Notes box, enter the note for the resource. Notice that, as soon as you start typing the note, the Previous and Next buttons change to OK and Cancel. Task details have been finalized and all tasks are automatically scheduled. You are now ready to set up the work resources needed to complete the new book launch. As with the task list, you expect some future changes to the resource details as you learn more about the project, but you have enough information to get started now.

You learned that the equivalent of four copyeditors will be allocated to the new book launch. You also have one resource in the plan, Sharon Salavaria, who is available for this project half time. Continuing in the SimpleSetUpResources plan, perform the following tasks: 1. Enter work resource pay rates The scenario: You received the pay rates for the work resources involved in the new book launch from your payroll department. These pay rates are a mix of hourly and weekly rates. This is learning made easy.

Get more done quickly with Project Jump in wherever you need answers—brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step. Quickly start a new plan, build task lists, and assign resources Share your plan and track your progress Capture and fine-tune work and cost details Use Gantt charts and other views and reports to visualize project schedules Share resources across multiple plans and consolidate projects Master project management best practices while you learn Project Look up just the tasks and lessons you need.

Start a new plan. Start your free trial. Project For Dummies by Cynthia Snyder. Book description The easy way to take control of project timelines, resources, budgets, and details Project manager, meet your new assistant! Fully updated to reflect the latest software changes in Microsoft Project All-new case studies and examples highlight the relevance of key features of Microsoft Project Exposes the correlation between what project managers do and how Microsoft Project supports their work Covers working with calendars, using and sharing resources, budgeting, gathering and tracking data, and more If you’re a time-pressured project manager looking to make your life—and your projects—easier, Project For Dummies shows you how to get things done!


Project For Dummies [Book]


There’s also live online events, interactive перейти на источник, certification prep materials, and more. Project manager, meet your new assistant! Once you discover Project you’ll be amazed at how ftee and effective the project management process can be.

Written by an expert author who knows project management processes backward and forward, this friendly, hands-on guide shows you how to get started, enter tasks and estimate microsoft project 2016 for dummies pdf free, work with resources and costs, fine-tune your schedule, set baselines, collect data, analyze progress, micosoft keep your projects on track.

How many times have you heard people in the office mutter under their breath, ‘These projects never run on time? Project For Dummies shows you how to use the latest version of Microsoft Project to create realistic project timelines, make the most of available resources, keep on top of all those pesky details, and, finally, complete your project on time and on budget.

If you’re a time-pressured project manager looking to make your life—and your projects—easier, Project For Dummies shows you how to get things done! The quick way to learn Microsoft project 2016 for dummies pdf free Excel ! This is learning made easy. Get more done …. The bestselling “bible” of project management In today’s time-crunched, cost-conscious global business environment, tight project deadlines ….

Keep projects on track Microsoft Project is a powerhouse project management, portfolio management, and resource …. Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Project For Dummies by Cynthia Snyder. Book rree The easy way to take control of project timelines, resources, budgets, and details Project manager, meet your new assistant! Fully updated to reflect the latest software changes in Microsoft Project All-new case studies and examples highlight the relevance of key features of Microsoft Project Exposes the correlation between what project managers do and how Microsoft Project supports their work Covers working with calendars, using and sharing resources, budgeting, gathering and tracking data, and more If you’re a time-pressured project manager looking microsof make your life—and your projects—easier, Project For Dummies shows you how to get things done!

Show and hide more. Table of contents Product information. Portny The bestselling “bible” of project management In today’s time-crunched, cost-conscious global business environment, tight project deadlines … book Ссылка на страницу Project For Dummies by Cynthia Snyder Dionisio Keep projects on track Microsoft Project is a powerhouse project management, portfolio management, and resource ….

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