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This is a list of mass shootings in the United States that have occurred in Mass shootings are incidents involving multiple victims of firearm-related violence. The precise inclusion criteria are disputed, and there is no broadly accepted definition. Gun Violence Archivea nonprofit research group that tracks shootings and their characteristics in the United States, defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people, excluding the perpetrator sare shot in one location at roughly the по ссылке time.
There were mass shootings in that fit the inclusion criteria of this article, resulting in deaths and 1, injuries, for a total of 1, victims. There are many definitions of a mass shooting.
Listed roughly from most broad to most restrictive:. Parenthetical number indicates the amount of mass shootings that occurred in that city year http://replace.me/4199.txt date.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bartender 3.3.5 free other years, see List of mass shootings in the United States. Gun Violence Archive. Retrieved October 31, Congressional Research Service. Retrieved December bartender 3.3.5 free, There is no broadly agreed-to, specific conceptualization of this issue, so this report uses its own definition for public mass shootings. Washington Post. Retrieved August 26, Retrieved August 27, Mother Jones.
Mass Shooting Tracker. Retrieved April 6, Archived from the original PDF on Retrieved Retrieved January 3, December 31, The Lima News. The Associated Press. December 30, The Advocate.
Retrieved December 29, Bartender 3.3.5 free News-Leader. FOX5 Las Vegas. CBS Baltimore. December 18, Retrieved December 19, December 15, Retrieved December 16, FOX31 Denver. The Town Talk. Retrieved December 14, Wisconsin Bartender 3.3.5 free Journal. Retrieved December 10, Bartender 3.3.5 free New York.
December 8, Retrieved December 9, Retrieved December 3, November 30, Retrieved December 1, ABC13 Houston. Retrieved November 30, Retrieved November 26, East Bay Times. November 24, Retrieved November 25, Fort Wayne’s NBC. November 23, Louis Post-Dispatch. NBC News. Retrieved November 20, November 19, ABC7 Los Angeles. Arkansas Online. November 17, Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved Подробнее на этой странице 17, November 14, Retrieved November 14, November 13, AZ Central.
Retrieved November 13, BBC News. November 12, Retrieved November 11, Bartender 3.3.5 free November 9, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Retrieved November 8, November 4, Retrieved November 5, Press Telegram.
Retrieved November 3, November 1, The Detroit News. Retrieved February 22, Los Angeles Times. Retrieved October 30, October 29, ABC News. Retrieved October 27, CBS Pittsburgh. October 27, NBC Chicago.
October 22, Q13 FOX News. Retrieved November 10, The Читать больше Journal-Constitution. October 16, Retrieved October 17, October 14, Dallas News.