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Jul 23,  · Learn how to use the Magic Wand Tool to make selections based on color. Download the sample files and follow along on CC Learn: The Magic Wand Tool, known simply as the Magic Wand, is one of the oldest selection tools in other selection tools that select pixels in an image based on shapes or by detecting object edges, the Magic Wand selects pixels based on tone and people tend to get frustrated with the Magic Wand (giving it the unfortunate nickname “tragic wand”) because it can sometimes Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins. Jul 18,  · Select subjects automatically. Select the Quick Selection tool or the Magic Wand tool in the Tools panel and click Select Subject in the Options bar, or choose Select > Subject. That’s all you have to do to automatically select the most prominent subjects in a photograph. Adobe Photoshop CC tools. There are many Adobe Photoshop CC tools that you can use in post-processing, several of which are especially useful for editing ecommerce and product photos: Magic Wand Tool. Move Tool. Rectangular Marquee Tool and Elliptical Marquee Tool. Lasso Tool, Polygonal Lasso Tool and Magnetic Lasso Tool.

If the editor launch was blocked by your browser consider adding gifgit. Chrome Click the Customize and control Google Chrome menu. Click Settings. Expand the Advanced menu then select the Privacy and Security in the sidebar.

Click Site Settings then Pop-ups and redirects. Under Allow click the Add button. Enter gifgit. Edit your information. Display name. Your signup is complete. A verification email has been sent to someemailuser email. Please add a verified email to your account. Online App Beta Edit with layers panel, menus and user interface like a traditional raster graphics image editor. Continue last app edit ». File Open.

Edit Undo. Foreground Color. Background Color. Select All. Remove Holes. Image Transform. Tools Selection Tools. Rectangular Marquee. Elliptical Marquee. Polygon Lasso. Paint Bucket.

Background Eraser. Magic Eraser. Color Picker. Colors Brightness. Invert Colors. Filters Blur. Zoom Motion Blur. Triangle Blur. Tilt Shift Blur. Dot Screen Halftone. Selection history. Click Here to open the editor if stopped by popup blocker.

Launch Editor. This page is needed for the online editor. Do not close while editing. Contents 1 About the magic wand tool 2 How to use the magic wand tool 3 How the magic wand tool works 4 Magic wand tool settings.

About the Magic Wand Tool. The magic wand tool is used to select areas that are similar in tone and color. Use the magic wand to quickly select irregularly shaped regions. How to Use the Magic Wand Tool. Upload your image using the form above. Adjust the tolerance and other settings in the tool options bar to control how the magic wand tool selects.

Click in the image to select an area of color. How the Magic Wand Tool Works. The magic wand tool and the magic eraser tool use the same method of selecting an area by flooding an area of color based on a color tolerance threshold. The difference between the two is that the magic wand forms a selection containing the area as opposed to the magic eraser that makes the area transparent or fills it with the background color. Choosing the Magic Wand Tool To activate the magic wand in the editor click the tool icon in the toolbar.

This will load the tool options bar with the tolerance setting and other tool options for the magic wand tool. Selecting an Area The magic wand uses a flooding algorithm that spreads out from the clicked pixel and compares the color of adjoining pixels to the color of the clicked pixel. After you click the image you basically have little control over the area that will be selected. When the selection is completed a marching ants border line will bound the area selected by the magic wand. Magic Wand Tool Settings.

Mode: Sets the selection mode of the magic wand tool. Tolerance: Determines the acceptable range of colors that will be selected. Radius: Sets the radius affected by each pixel in the selection area.

Online photo editing with layers, layer masks, a workflow and user interface like a traditional desktop photo editor that provides you with the toolset and features to professionally edit your images. Edit your images online with the best online image editor. Text Generator Fonts.

Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG. Enable Cookies! You must enable cookies to save images. Please read about our use of cookies. You can save in Create Update Existing. Quick Editor Load image in the simple editor below for quick editing. Use background color.

Becky Kilimnik April 25, What is the Magic Wand tool? Which Photoshop tools do you need to edit product photos? How do you customize the Photoshop toolbar to streamline your editing workflow?

Photoshop version CC offers a lot of improvements and new features from previous iterations, delivering more efficiencies and a wide array of options to choose from. However, you can move it around and change its size, depending on your needs. If your Toolbar is at its default setting, the only option downlozd be Edit Toolbar. Click on Edit Toolbar to open the Customize Toolbar window. Within adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download window, you can customize which Photoshop tools appear on the Toolbar.

Click on the tool you wish to move in the Toolbar column and drag it to the Extra Tools column. You can also drag tools from Extra Tools back into adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download Toolbar column.

Note that one square rests on top of the other. If you click on the arrows to the top and right of the squares, the colors in adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download square switch places. The color on top is the foreground color, and the color under it is the background color. You can change either of these colors by double-clicking on the color square and adjusting the color in the Color Picker window that pops up.

For instance, any time you paint with the Brush Toolyou will paint with the foreground color by default. Any time you remove part of a non-layered image by using the Eraser Tool dowbload, or by moving or deleting part of a selectionthe background color will show through into your image.

There are many Adobe Photoshop Adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download tools that you can use in post-processing, several of tolo are especially useful for editing ecommerce and lhotoshop photos:. The Magic Wand Tool selects a portion of your image that has the same or similar colors. Wane Magic Wand Tool will select the entire area of that color.

The Move Tool does just what it sounds like: It allows you to move items in your image. If you create a selection in a flattened image and move it, the area where phottoshop selection originally existed will be filled with the background color.

In layered images, you can use the Move Tool to move just about anything. Click on the portion of the image you want to move and put it in your desired location. In Photoshop CCthe Move Dowhload will automatically determine which layer that item is on when you click on it.

If you make a selection using any of the Adobe Photoshop CC tools covered below, you can move that selection with the Move Toolindependent of other items within that layer. The moved item will remain within its original layer.

By default, the Rectangular Marquee Tool is visible just under or beside the Move Tooldepending on how you adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download your Toolbar configured. To access the Elliptical Marquee Toolclick and hold, and then select the Elliptical Marquee Tool from the dropdown. With dowload the Rectangular Marquee Tool or Elliptical Tooll Tool selected, click and drag on your image to create your selection.

The Rectangular Marquee Tool will create a rectangular vree the Elliptical Marquee Tool will create an elliptical selection. The Lasso Toolslike the Wanf Toolscreate a selection within your image. Any of the three Lasso Adobr may be visible in the Toolbar ; click and hold on the visible tool sony vegas pro 12 manual pdf free access the other Lasso Tools.

With the Lasso Tool selected, you can draw a selection around any part of your image using your mouse. Click and hold adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download mouse button down as you draw. End the selection where you began to create a complete selection.

The Lasso Tool can be a bit difficult to use if you need a precise selection, but it works well for creating a rough selection. The Polygonal Lasso Tool creates a selection with straight lines. This tool offers a little more precision than the Lasso Tool. With the Polygonal Lasso Tool selected, click on the point on your image where you adobs your selection to begin. Release the mouse and click again adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download create the first straight edge of your selection.

Each time you click, you create another edge for your selection. To finish your по ссылке, click on the same spot where you began. The Magnetic Lasso Tool follows the edge of an object in your image, allowing more control in your selection than the Lasso Tooland more flexibility than the Polygonal Lasso Tool.

To use the Magnetic Lasso Toolclick on the edge of your object where you want your selection to begin, and adboe follow the object as closely as you can with the mouse.

The Magnetic Lasso Tool will snap to the edge of the adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download as you follow it. You can click points as adohe go, as with the Polygonal Lasso Toolbut you can also make the selection without setting mwgic any more points.

To complete the selection, atksgt sys windows 10 download on the first point you created with the tool. The Quick Selection Tool selects an object in your image by interpreting and selecting along defined edges visible in your image.

Place the cursor over an area of the object you wish to select and click. The tool will select a portion of your photosgop, ending at any defined edges. While holding the downoad, move your cursor around the rest of the object until the entire object is tooll. New to Photoshopthe Object Selection Tool allows you to select an object within your photo simply by dc a selection around the object.

To use the Object Selection Toolclick and draw a selection around the object you want to select. Photoshop pbotoshop interpret the edges of the object and attempt to refine your selection to just include the object. When the Object Selection Tool is selected adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download your Toolbaryou have the option to select using a rectangular marquee shape or a lasso tool dodnload.

You can toggle between the two in the Options Bar at the top of the application window. The Options Bar mqgic offers the same functionality to refine downloav selection as you would have using the Magic Wand Tool.

If it is not visible, it may be hidden under the Gradient Tool. To use this tool, select it and click anywhere within your selection. If you use the tool without creating a selection first, Photoshop will fill all pixels within your entire document with the foreground color.

As with other tools, you can adjust settings such as Blending ModeOpacityand Tolerance in the Options Bar at the top of the application window. The Gradient Adohelocated in the same place as the Paint Bucket Toolwill fill a selection with a gradient instead of a solid color.

Unlike the Paint Bucket Toolhowever, the Gradient Adone will fill the entire selection with new color, regardless of the underlying pixel colors.

To use the Gradient Toolselect the tool and draw a line with the mouse over your selection. The angle of the line you draw will determine the angle of the gradient.

By default, the gradient will start ссылка на подробности the foreground color and end with the background color, but you can change this in the Options Bar before you create your gradient. Note that, if you do not have a selection created, the Gradient Tool will fill your entire document with the gradient. You can also use the Fill photosho in Photoshop to fill a selection with a solid adoge or gradient. The Crop Tool allows you to rotate and crop your ссылка на страницу along predefined parameters.

The Crop Tool is especially useful if you have a увидеть больше of product images that all need to be the same size and orientation.

If so, click on any of these tools and hold down the mouse wnad you can access the Crop Tool. With the Crop Tool selected, go to the top of magi application window where you can control the Crop Tool settings.

Select W x H x Resolution from the first dropdown option to specify the width, height and resolution of your cropped image. If you know all product images need to be px x px at 72 addobe, you would type those values into the kagic just to the right of the dropdown.

You can use your cursor to expand or photoshp the size of the cropped area, and you can also rotate the image within the crop by turning the edges of the cropped area at the corners. The Eyedropper Tool selects a specific color within your image and sets it as your Foreground Color. You can click and hold on either of these tools to access the Eyedropper Tool.

Click anywhere within your image to grab the visible color with the Eyedropper Tool. The color you select will automatically appear as a new Foreground Color. The Eyedropper Tool is useful when you need to pull a color from one image and use it in another.

For instance, when you have a background color that you need to match across images. The Brush Tool and Eraser Tool work as their names imply. Click and hold on the Pencil Tool to access the dropdown, and select the Brush Tool. Vary the size, shape, hardness smoothness of the brush edge and opacity of the Brush Tool at the top of the application window once the tool is selected. The Brush Tool will photoshol your foreground color onto your image within the layer that you currently have selected.

The Eraser Tool works in almost the same way as the Brush Tool. As with the Brush Toolyou can adjust the size, hardness and opacity of the Adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download Tool at the top of the application window. When you erase using the Eraser Tool on a flattened image, the background color will appear adobe photoshop cc magic wand tool free download the areas you erase. When you erase on a layered image, the pixels on lower images will be visible through the erased area of your image.

The Magic Eraser Tool erases similar pixels from an image, in much the same way that the Magic Wand Tool selects similar pixels within an image.

To use the Magic Eraser Toolclick on the portion of your image that you want to remove, such as a background. Rownload the Magic Wand Toolmzgic can adjust the Tolerance of the Magic Eraser Tool at the top of the application window to select a smaller or wider range of pixel colors. If you use the Magic Eraser Tool on a layered image, awnd pixels from lower layers will be visible through the erased portion of your image.

As with the Magic Wand Toolthe Magic Eraser Tool is useful when you want to change or remove a background from a product imageadob when you need to remove portions of an image. The Clone Stamp Tool allows you to select a portion of your image and repeat it into another portion of your image within the same layer. You can adjust the Clone Stamp Tool autodesk maya 2017 update 4 free download same way as the Brush and Eraser Tools — just adjust смотрите подробнее values at the top of the application window.

With the Clone Stamp Tool selected, hover your cursor over the area of your downlozd that you wish to repeat. The cursor will change shape and will appear as a target symbol.

Any time you remove part of a non-layered image by using the Eraser Tool , or by moving or deleting part of a selection , the background color will show through into your image.

There are many Adobe Photoshop CC tools that you can use in post-processing, several of which are especially useful for editing ecommerce and product photos:. The Magic Wand Tool selects a portion of your image that has the same or similar colors.

The Magic Wand Tool will select the entire area of that color. The Move Tool does just what it sounds like: It allows you to move items in your image.

If you create a selection in a flattened image and move it, the area where the selection originally existed will be filled with the background color. In layered images, you can use the Move Tool to move just about anything. Click on the portion of the image you want to move and put it in your desired location. In Photoshop CC , the Move Tool will automatically determine which layer that item is on when you click on it.

If you make a selection using any of the Adobe Photoshop CC tools covered below, you can move that selection with the Move Tool , independent of other items within that layer. The moved item will remain within its original layer.

By default, the Rectangular Marquee Tool is visible just under or beside the Move Tool , depending on how you have your Toolbar configured. To access the Elliptical Marquee Tool , click and hold, and then select the Elliptical Marquee Tool from the dropdown. With either the Rectangular Marquee Tool or Elliptical Marquee Tool selected, click and drag on your image to create your selection. The Rectangular Marquee Tool will create a rectangular selection; the Elliptical Marquee Tool will create an elliptical selection.

The Lasso Tools , like the Marquee Tools , create a selection within your image. Any of the three Lasso Tools may be visible in the Toolbar ; click and hold on the visible tool to access the other Lasso Tools. With the Lasso Tool selected, you can draw a selection around any part of your image using your mouse.

Click and hold the mouse button down as you draw. End the selection where you began to create a complete selection. The Lasso Tool can be a bit difficult to use if you need a precise selection, but it works well for creating a rough selection. The Polygonal Lasso Tool creates a selection with straight lines. This tool offers a little more precision than the Lasso Tool. With the Polygonal Lasso Tool selected, click on the point on your image where you want your selection to begin.

Release the mouse and click again to create the first straight edge of your selection. Each time you click, you create another edge for your selection. To finish your selection, click on the same spot where you began. The Magnetic Lasso Tool follows the edge of an object in your image, allowing more control in your selection than the Lasso Tool , and more flexibility than the Polygonal Lasso Tool.

To use the Magnetic Lasso Tool , click on the edge of your object where you want your selection to begin, and then follow the object as closely as you can with the mouse. The Magnetic Lasso Tool will snap to the edge of the object as you follow it. You can click points as you go, as with the Polygonal Lasso Tool , but you can also make the selection without setting down any more points.

To complete the selection, click on the first point you created with the tool. The Quick Selection Tool selects an object in your image by interpreting and selecting along defined edges visible in your image. Place the cursor over an area of the object you wish to select and click.

The tool will select a portion of your image, ending at any defined edges. While holding the mouse, move your cursor around the rest of the object until the entire object is selected. New to Photoshop , the Object Selection Tool allows you to select an object within your photo simply by drawing a selection around the object. To use the Object Selection Tool , click and draw a selection around the object you want to select. Photoshop will interpret the edges of the object and attempt to refine your selection to just include the object.

When the Object Selection Tool is selected in your Toolbar , you have the option to select using a rectangular marquee shape or a lasso tool shape.

You can toggle between the two in the Options Bar at the top of the application window. The Options Bar also offers the same functionality to refine your selection as you would have using the Magic Wand Tool. If it is not visible, it may be hidden under the Gradient Tool.

To use this tool, select it and click anywhere within your selection. If you use the tool without creating a selection first, Photoshop will fill all pixels within your entire document with the foreground color. As with other tools, you can adjust settings such as Blending Mode , Opacity , and Tolerance in the Options Bar at the top of the application window. The Gradient Tool , located in the same place as the Paint Bucket Tool , will fill a selection with a gradient instead of a solid color.

Unlike the Paint Bucket Tool , however, the Gradient Tool will fill the entire selection with new color, regardless of the underlying pixel colors. To use the Gradient Tool , select the tool and draw a line with the mouse over your selection. The angle of the line you draw will determine the angle of the gradient.

By default, the gradient will start with the foreground color and end with the background color, but you can change this in the Options Bar before you create your gradient. Note that, if you do not have a selection created, the Gradient Tool will fill your entire document with the gradient. You can also use the Fill function in Photoshop to fill a selection with a solid color or gradient.

The Crop Tool allows you to rotate and crop your image along predefined parameters. The Crop Tool is especially useful if you have a series of product images that all need to be the same size and orientation. If so, click on any of these tools and hold down the mouse until you can access the Crop Tool.

With the Crop Tool selected, go to the top of the application window where you can control the Crop Tool settings. Select W x H x Resolution from the first dropdown option to specify the width, height and resolution of your cropped image. If you know all product images need to be px x px at 72 ppi, you would type those values into the fields just to the right of the dropdown. You can use your cursor to expand or reduce the size of the cropped area, and you can also rotate the image within the crop by turning the edges of the cropped area at the corners.

The Eyedropper Tool selects a specific color within your image and sets it as your Foreground Color. Dot Screen Halftone. Selection history. Click Here to open the editor if stopped by popup blocker. Launch Editor. This page is needed for the online editor. Do not close while editing. Contents 1 About the magic wand tool 2 How to use the magic wand tool 3 How the magic wand tool works 4 Magic wand tool settings.

About the Magic Wand Tool. The magic wand tool is used to select areas that are similar in tone and color. Use the magic wand to quickly select irregularly shaped regions. How to Use the Magic Wand Tool. Upload your image using the form above. Adjust the tolerance and other settings in the tool options bar to control how the magic wand tool selects. Click in the image to select an area of color. How the Magic Wand Tool Works. The magic wand tool and the magic eraser tool use the same method of selecting an area by flooding an area of color based on a color tolerance threshold.

The difference between the two is that the magic wand forms a selection containing the area as opposed to the magic eraser that makes the area transparent or fills it with the background color.

Choosing the Magic Wand Tool To activate the magic wand in the editor click the tool icon in the toolbar. This will load the tool options bar with the tolerance setting and other tool options for the magic wand tool. Selecting an Area The magic wand uses a flooding algorithm that spreads out from the clicked pixel and compares the color of adjoining pixels to the color of the clicked pixel. After you click the image you basically have little control over the area that will be selected.

When the selection is completed a marching ants border line will bound the area selected by the magic wand.

Magic Wand Tool Settings. Mode: Sets the selection mode of the magic wand tool. Tolerance: Determines the acceptable range of colors that will be selected. Radius: Sets the radius affected by each pixel in the selection area. Online photo editing with layers, layer masks, a workflow and user interface like a traditional desktop photo editor that provides you with the toolset and features to professionally edit your images.

Edit your images online with the best online image editor. Text Generator Fonts. Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG. Enable Cookies! You must enable cookies to save images. Please read about our use of cookies. You can save in Create Update Existing. Quick Editor Load image in the simple editor below for quick editing.



The Magic Wand Tool – Photoshop Selections.Photoshop Tools: A Beginner’s Guide to Magic Wand, Lasso, and Other Features

May 12,  · In this video I’m going to show you how you can work with magic wand tool inside the Adobe Photoshop. Here are the images that I used in this video:https://. Jul 23,  · Learn how to use the Magic Wand Tool to make selections based on color. Download the sample files and follow along on CC Learn: Adobe Photoshop CC tools. There are many Adobe Photoshop CC tools that you can use in post-processing, several of which are especially useful for editing ecommerce and product photos: Magic Wand Tool. Move Tool. Rectangular Marquee Tool and Elliptical Marquee Tool. Lasso Tool, Polygonal Lasso Tool and Magnetic Lasso Tool. Jan 16,  · 1 Correct Answer. Its and hold on quick selection tool or try shortcut key shift+W.. Its there. click and hold on quick selection tool or try shortcut key shift+W.. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and . The Magic Wand Tool, known simply as the Magic Wand, is one of the oldest selection tools in other selection tools that select pixels in an image based on shapes or by detecting object edges, the Magic Wand selects pixels based on tone and people tend to get frustrated with the Magic Wand (giving it the unfortunate nickname “tragic wand”) because it can sometimes Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins.

Unlike other selection tools that select pixels in an image based on shapes or by detecting object edges , the Magic Wand selects pixels based on tone and color. Many people tend to get frustrated with the Magic Wand giving it the unfortunate nickname “tragic wand” because it can sometimes seem like it’s impossible to control which pixels the tool selects. In this tutorial, we’re going to look beyond the magic, discover how the wand really works, and learn to recognize the situations that this ancient but still extremely useful selection tool was designed for.

If you’re using Photoshop CS2 or earlier, you can select the Magic Wand simply by clicking on its icon in the Tools palette. Select the Magic Wand from the menu:. Before we look at a real world example of the Magic Wand in action, let’s see how the tool works and how there’s really nothing magical about it. Here’s a simple image I’ve created showing a black to white gradient separated by a solid red horizontal bar through its center:. As I mentioned, Photoshop’s Magic Wand selects pixels based on tone and color.

When we click on an area in the image with the tool, Photoshop looks at the tone and color of the area we clicked on and selects pixels that share the same color and brightness values. This makes the Magic Wand exceptional at selecting large areas of solid color. For example, let’s say I want to select the horizontal red bar.

All I need to do is click anywhere on the red bar with the Magic Wand. Photoshop will see that I’ve clicked on an area of red and will instantly select every pixel in the image that shares that same shade of red, effectively selecting the red bar for me just by clicking on it:. Selecting the solid colored red bar was easy enough, since there were no other pixels in the image that shared the same shade of red, but let’s see what happens if I click with the Magic Wand on one of the gradients.

I’ll click on an area of middle gray in the center of the gradient above the red bar:. This time, Photoshop selected an entire range of brightness values rather than limiting itself to pixels that were exactly the same tone and color as the middle gray area I clicked on.

Why is that? To find the answer, we need to look up in the Options Bar along the top of the screen. More specifically, we need to look at the Tolerance value:. The Tolerance option tells Photoshop how different in tone and color a pixel can be from the area we clicked on for it to be included in the selection. By default, the Tolerance value is set to 32, which means that Photoshop will select any pixels that are the same color as the area we clicked on, plus any pixels that are up to 32 shades darker or 32 shades brighter.

In the case of my gradient, which contains a total of brightness levels between and including pure black and pure white, Photoshop selected the entire range of pixels that fell between 32 shades darker and 32 shades brighter than the shade of gray I initially clicked on.

With Tolerance now set twice as high as it was originally, if I click with the Magic Wand on the exact same center spot in the gradient, Photoshop should now select an area twice as large as it did last time, since it will include all the pixels that are between 64 shades darker and 64 shades lighter than the initial shade of gray I click on.

Sure enough, that’s what we get:. What if I want to select just the specific shade of gray I click on in the gradient and nothing else?

In that case, I’d set my Tolerance value to 0, which tells Photoshop not to include any pixels in the selection except those that are an exact match in color and tone to the area I click on:.

With Tolerance set to 0, I’ll click again on the same spot in the center of the gradient, and this time, we get a very narrow selection outline. Every pixel that’s not an exact match to the specific shade of gray I clicked on is ignored:. You can set the Tolerance option to any value between 0 and The higher the value, the wider the range of pixels that Photoshop will select.

A Tolerance setting of will effectively select the entire image, so you’ll usually want to try a lower value. As we were exploring the effect the Tolerance setting has on Magic Wand selections, you may have noticed something strange. Each time I clicked on the gradient above the red bar, Photoshop selected a certain range of pixels but only in the gradient I was clicking on. The gradient below the red bar, which is identical to the gradient I was clicking on, was completely ignored, even though it obviously contained shades of gray that should have been included in the selection.

Why were the pixels in the lower gradient not included? The reason has to do with another important option in the Options Bar – Contiguous. With Contiguous selected, as it is by default, Photoshop will only select pixels that fall within the acceptable tone and color range determined by the Tolerance option and are side by side each other in the same area you clicked on. Any pixels that are within the acceptable Tolerance range but are separated from the area you clicked on by pixels that fall outside the Tolerance range will not be included in the selection.

In the case of my gradients, the pixels in the bottom gradient that should otherwise have been included in the selection were ignored because they were cut off from the area I clicked on by the pixels in the red bar which were not within the Tolerance range.

Let’s see what happens when I uncheck the Contiguous option. I’ll also reset my Tolerance setting to its default value of I’ll click again in the center of the upper gradient with the Magic Wand, and this time, with Contiguous unchecked, the pixels in the bottom gradient that fall within the Tolerance range are also selected, even though they’re still separated from the area I clicked on by the red bar:. Up next, we’ll look at some additional options for the Magic Wand and a real world example of it in action as we use it to quickly select and replace the sky in a photo!

Shortcodes, Actions and Filters Plugin: Error in shortcode [ ads-basics-middle ]. Tolerance and Contiguous are the two options that have the biggest impact on the Magic Wand, but there’s a couple of other options worth noting.

Since the Magic Wand selects pixels and pixels are square-shaped, our selection edges can sometimes appear harsh and jagged, often referred to as a “stair stepping” effect. Photoshop can smooth out the edges by applying a slight blur to them, a process known as anti-aliasing. We can turn anti-aliasing for the Magic Wand on and off by checking or unchecking the Anti-alias option in the Options Bar.

By default, it’s enabled and in most cases you’ll want to leave it enabled:. Also by default, when you click on an image with the Magic Wand, it looks for pixels to select only on the layer that’s currently active in the Layers panel. This is usually what we want, but if your document contains multiple layers and you want Photoshop to include all the layers in your selection, select the Sample All Layers option in the Options Bar.

It’s unchecked by default:. Shortcodes, Actions and Filters Plugin: Error in shortcode [ ads-basics-middle-2 ]. Here’s an image I have open in Photoshop. I like the photo in general, but the sky could look more interesting. I think I’ll replace the sky with a different one:. Replacing the sky means I’ll first need to select it. As I mentioned earlier, the Magic Wand excels at selecting large areas of solid color, and since the sky is clear blue with only a slight variation in the tone, the Magic Wand will make selecting it easy.

With the tool selected and all of its options in the Options Bar set back to their defaults Tolerance 32, Contiguous checked , I’ll click somewhere in the top left of the image:. If the sky had been solid blue, the Magic Wand would have had no trouble selecting all of it with that one single click.

However, the sky actually transitions from a lighter shade of blue just above the buildings to a darker shade near the top of the photo, and my Tolerance value of 32 wasn’t quite high enough to cover that entire range of tonal values, leaving a large area of the sky directly above the buildings out of the selection:.

Since my initial attempt failed to select the entire sky because my Tolerance value was too low, I could try again with a higher Tolerance value, but there’s an easier way to fix the problem.

As with Photoshop’s other selection tools, the Magic Wand has the option to add to existing selections , which means I can keep the selection I’ve started with and simply add more of the sky to it! To add to a selection, hold down your Shift key and click in the area you need to add. In my case, with Shift held down, I’ll click somewhere inside the sky that wasn’t included in the selection initially:.

And just like that, Photoshop was able to add the remaining area of the sky to the selection. Two clicks with the Magic Wand was all it needed:. Of course, since the sky is being replaced, what I should have selected in the image was everything below the sky, since that’s the area I want to keep. But drawing a selection outline along the tops of the buildings with one of Photoshop’s other selection tools like the Polygonal Lasso Tool or the Magnetic Lasso Tool would have taken more time and effort, while selecting the sky with the Magic Wand was quick and easy.

This brings us to a popular and very handy technique to use with the Magic Wand, which is to select the area you don’t want first and then invert the selection! To invert the selection, which will select everything that wasn’t selected in my case, everything below the sky and deselect everything that was the sky itself , go up to the Select menu at the top of the screen and choose Inverse.

With the selection now inverted, the sky is no longer selected while everything below it in the image is:. Next, I’ll open the image I want to replace the original sky with. I’ll switch back over to my original image and I’ll click on the Background layer in the Layers panel to select it so that, when I paste the other sky photo into the document, it will appear between my existing two layers:. Everyone loves a blue sky, but sometimes a few clouds can make a bigger impact:.

Like Photoshop’s other selection tools, the trick to using the Magic Wand successfully and avoiding frustration is knowing when to use it and when to try something else. As we’ve seen in this tutorial, the Magic Wand’s biggest strength is its ability to select large areas of pixels that all share the same or similar color and tone, making it perfect for things like selecting and replacing a simple sky in a photo, or for any image where the object you need to select is in front of a solid or similarly colored background.

Use the “select what you don’t want first” trick for times when selecting the area around the object with the Magic Wand would be faster and easier than selecting the object itself with a different tool.

This time, with a Tolerance setting twice as high, the selected area of the gradient is twice as large. Increasing or decreasing the Tolerance value has a big impact on which pixels in the image are selected with the Magic Wand. Contiguous is selected by default. Click inside the checkbox to deselect it if needed. With Contiguous unchecked, any pixels anywhere in the image that fall within the Tolerance range will be selected.

Leave anti-aliasing enabled with the Magic Wand to smooth out otherwise jagged selection edges. Leave Sample All Layers unchecked to limit your selection to the active layer. Some lighter areas of the sky just above the buildings were not included in the selection.

How to Use the Magic Wand Tool. Upload your image using the form above. Adjust the tolerance and other settings in the tool options bar to control how the magic wand tool selects. Click in the image to select an area of color. How the Magic Wand Tool Works. The magic wand tool and the magic eraser tool use the same method of selecting an area by flooding an area of color based on a color tolerance threshold.

The difference between the two is that the magic wand forms a selection containing the area as opposed to the magic eraser that makes the area transparent or fills it with the background color.

Choosing the Magic Wand Tool To activate the magic wand in the editor click the tool icon in the toolbar. This will load the tool options bar with the tolerance setting and other tool options for the magic wand tool. Selecting an Area The magic wand uses a flooding algorithm that spreads out from the clicked pixel and compares the color of adjoining pixels to the color of the clicked pixel.

After you click the image you basically have little control over the area that will be selected. When the selection is completed a marching ants border line will bound the area selected by the magic wand. Magic Wand Tool Settings. Mode: Sets the selection mode of the magic wand tool.

Tolerance: Determines the acceptable range of colors that will be selected. Radius: Sets the radius affected by each pixel in the selection area. Online photo editing with layers, layer masks, a workflow and user interface like a traditional desktop photo editor that provides you with the toolset and features to professionally edit your images.

Edit your images online with the best online image editor. Text Generator Fonts. Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG. Enable Cookies! You must enable cookies to save images. Please read about our use of cookies. You can save in More specifically, we need to look at the Tolerance value:.

The Tolerance option tells Photoshop how different in tone and color a pixel can be from the area we clicked on for it to be included in the selection. By default, the Tolerance value is set to 32, which means that Photoshop will select any pixels that are the same color as the area we clicked on, plus any pixels that are up to 32 shades darker or 32 shades brighter.

In the case of my gradient, which contains a total of brightness levels between and including pure black and pure white, Photoshop selected the entire range of pixels that fell between 32 shades darker and 32 shades brighter than the shade of gray I initially clicked on. With Tolerance now set twice as high as it was originally, if I click with the Magic Wand on the exact same center spot in the gradient, Photoshop should now select an area twice as large as it did last time, since it will include all the pixels that are between 64 shades darker and 64 shades lighter than the initial shade of gray I click on.

Sure enough, that’s what we get:. What if I want to select just the specific shade of gray I click on in the gradient and nothing else? In that case, I’d set my Tolerance value to 0, which tells Photoshop not to include any pixels in the selection except those that are an exact match in color and tone to the area I click on:.

With Tolerance set to 0, I’ll click again on the same spot in the center of the gradient, and this time, we get a very narrow selection outline. Every pixel that’s not an exact match to the specific shade of gray I clicked on is ignored:. You can set the Tolerance option to any value between 0 and The higher the value, the wider the range of pixels that Photoshop will select.

A Tolerance setting of will effectively select the entire image, so you’ll usually want to try a lower value. As we were exploring the effect the Tolerance setting has on Magic Wand selections, you may have noticed something strange. Each time I clicked on the gradient above the red bar, Photoshop selected a certain range of pixels but only in the gradient I was clicking on.

The gradient below the red bar, which is identical to the gradient I was clicking on, was completely ignored, even though it obviously contained shades of gray that should have been included in the selection. Why were the pixels in the lower gradient not included? The reason has to do with another important option in the Options Bar – Contiguous.

With Contiguous selected, as it is by default, Photoshop will only select pixels that fall within the acceptable tone and color range determined by the Tolerance option and are side by side each other in the same area you clicked on.

Any pixels that are within the acceptable Tolerance range but are separated from the area you clicked on by pixels that fall outside the Tolerance range will not be included in the selection. In the case of my gradients, the pixels in the bottom gradient that should otherwise have been included in the selection were ignored because they were cut off from the area I clicked on by the pixels in the red bar which were not within the Tolerance range.

Let’s see what happens when I uncheck the Contiguous option. I’ll also reset my Tolerance setting to its default value of I’ll click again in the center of the upper gradient with the Magic Wand, and this time, with Contiguous unchecked, the pixels in the bottom gradient that fall within the Tolerance range are also selected, even though they’re still separated from the area I clicked on by the red bar:. Up next, we’ll look at some additional options for the Magic Wand and a real world example of it in action as we use it to quickly select and replace the sky in a photo!

Shortcodes, Actions and Filters Plugin: Error in shortcode [ ads-basics-middle ]. Tolerance and Contiguous are the two options that have the biggest impact on the Magic Wand, but there’s a couple of other options worth noting. Since the Magic Wand selects pixels and pixels are square-shaped, our selection edges can sometimes appear harsh and jagged, often referred to as a “stair stepping” effect.

If you know all product images need to be px x px at 72 ppi, you would type those values into the fields just to the right of the dropdown. You can use your cursor to expand or reduce the size of the cropped area, and you can also rotate the image within the crop by turning the edges of the cropped area at the corners.

The Eyedropper Tool selects a specific color within your image and sets it as your Foreground Color. You can click and hold on either of these tools to access the Eyedropper Tool. Click anywhere within your image to grab the visible color with the Eyedropper Tool. The color you select will automatically appear as a new Foreground Color. The Eyedropper Tool is useful when you need to pull a color from one image and use it in another.

For instance, when you have a background color that you need to match across images. The Brush Tool and Eraser Tool work as their names imply. Click and hold on the Pencil Tool to access the dropdown, and select the Brush Tool. Vary the size, shape, hardness smoothness of the brush edge and opacity of the Brush Tool at the top of the application window once the tool is selected. The Brush Tool will paint your foreground color onto your image within the layer that you currently have selected.

The Eraser Tool works in almost the same way as the Brush Tool. As with the Brush Tool , you can adjust the size, hardness and opacity of the Eraser Tool at the top of the application window. When you erase using the Eraser Tool on a flattened image, the background color will appear on the areas you erase. When you erase on a layered image, the pixels on lower images will be visible through the erased area of your image.

The Magic Eraser Tool erases similar pixels from an image, in much the same way that the Magic Wand Tool selects similar pixels within an image. To use the Magic Eraser Tool , click on the portion of your image that you want to remove, such as a background. Like the Magic Wand Tool , you can adjust the Tolerance of the Magic Eraser Tool at the top of the application window to select a smaller or wider range of pixel colors.

If you use the Magic Eraser Tool on a layered image, the pixels from lower layers will be visible through the erased portion of your image. As with the Magic Wand Tool , the Magic Eraser Tool is useful when you want to change or remove a background from a product image , or when you need to remove portions of an image.

The Clone Stamp Tool allows you to select a portion of your image and repeat it into another portion of your image within the same layer. You can adjust the Clone Stamp Tool the same way as the Brush and Eraser Tools — just adjust its values at the top of the application window.

With the Clone Stamp Tool selected, hover your cursor over the area of your image that you wish to repeat. The cursor will change shape and will appear as a target symbol.

Then, move your cursor to the new area of your image where you wish to duplicate the original portion of the image. The Healing Brush Tool selects a portion of your image and blends it into another portion of your image within the same layer. To use the Healing Brush Tool , hover your cursor over the area of your image that you want to sample. Move your cursor to the area of the image that you want to blend your sample into.

The Healing Brush Tool will sample the original portion of your image and paint it over the new area of your image, blending the pixels together. But it could be a better option than the Clone Stamp Tool to remove spots or blemishes from a product image, depending on the image and what you need to do to it. The Dodge Tool lightens pixels in an image; the Burn Tool darkens pixels.

You can also choose the range of pixels you want the tool to affect. To brighten the lightest areas of your image, choose the Dodge Tool , set your range to Highlights , and click and drag over the lightest areas of your image. With the Hand Tool selected, click and drag within your image to change your view.

No elements of your image move when you use the Hand Tool ; only your view of the image is affected. The Hand Tool is useful if you need to zoom into a portion of an image, and then view another portion of that image without zooming out all the way.

The Zoom Tool allows you to zoom in or out of an image quickly. To use the Zoom Tool , click on the portion of your image that you want to zoom into. The Zoom Tool is important to help refine small details that shoppers can see when zooming in. If your Toolbar and all of your open palettes disappear, you may have typed TAB.

В девяноста футах внизу, распростертый на острых лопастях главного генератора, лежал Фил Чатрукьян. Тело его обгорело и почернело. Упав, он устроил замыкание основного электропитания шифровалки.

Но еще более страшной ей показалась другая фигура, прятавшаяся в тени, где-то в середине длинной лестницы. Ошибиться было невозможно.

Ну. Сеньор?. – Буисан, – сказал Беккер.

Я… понимаю, – тихо сказала она, все еще находясь под впечатлением его блистательного замысла.  – Вы довольно искусный лжец. Стратмор засмеялся.

Я должен был знать. Да взять хотя бы его электронное имя.  – Боже мой, Северная Дакота.

Foreground Color. Background Color. Select All. Remove Holes. Image Transform. Tools Selection Tools. Rectangular Marquee. Elliptical Marquee. Polygon Lasso. Paint Bucket. Background Eraser. Magic Eraser. Color Picker. Colors Brightness. Invert Colors. Filters Blur. Zoom Motion Blur. Triangle Blur.

Tilt Shift Blur. Dot Screen Halftone. Selection history. Click Here to open the editor if stopped by popup blocker. Launch Editor. This page is needed for the online editor. Select the Magic Wand from the menu:. Before we look at a real world example of the Magic Wand in action, let’s see how the tool works and how there’s really nothing magical about it. Here’s a simple image I’ve created showing a black to white gradient separated by a solid red horizontal bar through its center:. As I mentioned, Photoshop’s Magic Wand selects pixels based on tone and color.

When we click on an area in the image with the tool, Photoshop looks at the tone and color of the area we clicked on and selects pixels that share the same color and brightness values.

This makes the Magic Wand exceptional at selecting large areas of solid color. For example, let’s say I want to select the horizontal red bar. All I need to do is click anywhere on the red bar with the Magic Wand. Photoshop will see that I’ve clicked on an area of red and will instantly select every pixel in the image that shares that same shade of red, effectively selecting the red bar for me just by clicking on it:. Selecting the solid colored red bar was easy enough, since there were no other pixels in the image that shared the same shade of red, but let’s see what happens if I click with the Magic Wand on one of the gradients.

I’ll click on an area of middle gray in the center of the gradient above the red bar:. This time, Photoshop selected an entire range of brightness values rather than limiting itself to pixels that were exactly the same tone and color as the middle gray area I clicked on.

Why is that? To find the answer, we need to look up in the Options Bar along the top of the screen. More specifically, we need to look at the Tolerance value:. The Tolerance option tells Photoshop how different in tone and color a pixel can be from the area we clicked on for it to be included in the selection. By default, the Tolerance value is set to 32, which means that Photoshop will select any pixels that are the same color as the area we clicked on, plus any pixels that are up to 32 shades darker or 32 shades brighter.

In the case of my gradient, which contains a total of brightness levels between and including pure black and pure white, Photoshop selected the entire range of pixels that fell between 32 shades darker and 32 shades brighter than the shade of gray I initially clicked on. With Tolerance now set twice as high as it was originally, if I click with the Magic Wand on the exact same center spot in the gradient, Photoshop should now select an area twice as large as it did last time, since it will include all the pixels that are between 64 shades darker and 64 shades lighter than the initial shade of gray I click on.

Sure enough, that’s what we get:. What if I want to select just the specific shade of gray I click on in the gradient and nothing else? In that case, I’d set my Tolerance value to 0, which tells Photoshop not to include any pixels in the selection except those that are an exact match in color and tone to the area I click on:.

With Tolerance set to 0, I’ll click again on the same spot in the center of the gradient, and this time, we get a very narrow selection outline. Every pixel that’s not an exact match to the specific shade of gray I clicked on is ignored:. You can set the Tolerance option to any value between 0 and The higher the value, the wider the range of pixels that Photoshop will select.

A Tolerance setting of will effectively select the entire image, so you’ll usually want to try a lower value. As we were exploring the effect the Tolerance setting has on Magic Wand selections, you may have noticed something strange. To finish your selection, click on the same spot where you began. The Magnetic Lasso Tool follows the edge of an object in your image, allowing more control in your selection than the Lasso Tool , and more flexibility than the Polygonal Lasso Tool.

To use the Magnetic Lasso Tool , click on the edge of your object where you want your selection to begin, and then follow the object as closely as you can with the mouse. The Magnetic Lasso Tool will snap to the edge of the object as you follow it. You can click points as you go, as with the Polygonal Lasso Tool , but you can also make the selection without setting down any more points.

To complete the selection, click on the first point you created with the tool. The Quick Selection Tool selects an object in your image by interpreting and selecting along defined edges visible in your image.

Place the cursor over an area of the object you wish to select and click. The tool will select a portion of your image, ending at any defined edges.

While holding the mouse, move your cursor around the rest of the object until the entire object is selected. New to Photoshop , the Object Selection Tool allows you to select an object within your photo simply by drawing a selection around the object.

To use the Object Selection Tool , click and draw a selection around the object you want to select. Photoshop will interpret the edges of the object and attempt to refine your selection to just include the object.

When the Object Selection Tool is selected in your Toolbar , you have the option to select using a rectangular marquee shape or a lasso tool shape. You can toggle between the two in the Options Bar at the top of the application window. The Options Bar also offers the same functionality to refine your selection as you would have using the Magic Wand Tool. If it is not visible, it may be hidden under the Gradient Tool. To use this tool, select it and click anywhere within your selection.

If you use the tool without creating a selection first, Photoshop will fill all pixels within your entire document with the foreground color. As with other tools, you can adjust settings such as Blending Mode , Opacity , and Tolerance in the Options Bar at the top of the application window. The Gradient Tool , located in the same place as the Paint Bucket Tool , will fill a selection with a gradient instead of a solid color.

Unlike the Paint Bucket Tool , however, the Gradient Tool will fill the entire selection with new color, regardless of the underlying pixel colors. To use the Gradient Tool , select the tool and draw a line with the mouse over your selection. The angle of the line you draw will determine the angle of the gradient. By default, the gradient will start with the foreground color and end with the background color, but you can change this in the Options Bar before you create your gradient.

Note that, if you do not have a selection created, the Gradient Tool will fill your entire document with the gradient.

You can also use the Fill function in Photoshop to fill a selection with a solid color or gradient. The Crop Tool allows you to rotate and crop your image along predefined parameters. The Crop Tool is especially useful if you have a series of product images that all need to be the same size and orientation.

If so, click on any of these tools and hold down the mouse until you can access the Crop Tool. With the Crop Tool selected, go to the top of the application window where you can control the Crop Tool settings. Select W x H x Resolution from the first dropdown option to specify the width, height and resolution of your cropped image. If you know all product images need to be px x px at 72 ppi, you would type those values into the fields just to the right of the dropdown.

You can use your cursor to expand or reduce the size of the cropped area, and you can also rotate the image within the crop by turning the edges of the cropped area at the corners. The Eyedropper Tool selects a specific color within your image and sets it as your Foreground Color.

You can click and hold on either of these tools to access the Eyedropper Tool. Click anywhere within your image to grab the visible color with the Eyedropper Tool. The color you select will automatically appear as a new Foreground Color.

The Eyedropper Tool is useful when you need to pull a color from one image and use it in another. For instance, when you have a background color that you need to match across images. The Brush Tool and Eraser Tool work as their names imply.


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