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This lets the device’s application processor remain in a low-power idle state until batches are delivered. You can request batched events from any sensor using a standard event listener, and you can control the interval at which you receive batches.

You can also request immediate delivery of events between batch cycles. Sensor batching is ideal for low-power, long-running use-cases such as fitness, location tracking, monitoring, and more.

It can make your app more efficient and it lets you track sensor events continuously — even while the screen is off and the system is asleep. Sensor batching is currently available on Nexus 5, and we’re working with our chipset partners to bring it to more devices as soon as possible. Moves and Runtastic Pedometer are using the hardware step-detector to offer long-running, low-power services.

These new sensors are implemented in hardware for low power consumption. The step detector analyzes accelerometer input to recognize when the user has taken a step, then triggers an event with each step.

The step counter tracks the total number of steps since the last device reboot and triggers an event with each change in the step count. Because the logic and sensor management is built into the platform and underlying hardware, you don’t need to maintain your own detection algorithms in your app.

Step detector and counter sensors are available on Nexus 5, and we’re working with our chipset partners to bring them to new devices as soon as possible. Along with the new provider and APIs, Android 4.

Also, the system now allows only the default app to write message data to the provider, although other apps can read at any time. Apps that are not the user’s default can still send messages — the system handles writing those messages to the provider on behalf of the app, so that users can see them in the default app. The new provider and semantics help to improve the user’s experience when multiple messaging apps are installed, and they help you to build new messaging features with fully-supported, forward-compatible APIs.

A new immersive mode lets apps use every pixel on the screen to show content and capture touch events. Now your apps can use every pixel on the device screen to showcase your content and capture touch events. It’s ideal for rich visual content such as photos, videos, maps, books, and games. In the new mode, the system UI stays hidden, even while users are interacting with your app or game — you can capture touch events from anywhere across the screen, even areas that would otherwise be occupied by the system bars.

This gives you a great way to create a larger, richer, more immersive UI in your app or game and also reduce visual distraction. To make sure that users always have easy, consistent access to system UI from full-screen immersive mode, Android 4. To return to immersive mode, users can touch the screen outside of the bar bounds or wait for a short period for the bars to auto-hide. For a consistent user experience, the new gesture also works with previous methods of hiding the status bar. Most apps structure their flows around several key UI states that expose different actions.

Many apps also use animation to help users understand their progress through those states and the actions available in each. To make it easier to create high-quality animations in your app, Android 4.

The transitions framework lets you define scenes , typically view hierarchies, and transitions, which describe how to animate or transform the scenes when the user enters or exits them. You can use several predefined transition types to animate your scenes based on specific properties, such as layout bounds, or visibility.

There’s also an auto-transition type that automatically fades, moves, and resizes views during a scene change. In addition, you can define custom transitions that animate the properties that matter most to your app, and you can plug in your own animation styles if needed.

With the transitions framework you can also animate changes to your UI on the fly , without needing to define scenes. For example, you can make a series of changes to a view hierarchy and then have the TransitionManager automatically run a delayed transition on those changes.

Once you’ve set up transitions, it’s straightforward to invoke them from your app. For example, you can call a single method to begin a transition, make various changes in your view hierarchy, and on the next frame animations will automatically begin that animate the changes you specified. Apps can use new window styles to request translucent system bars. For custom control over the transitions that run between specific scenes in your application flow, you can use the TransitionManager.

The TransitionManager lets you define the relationship between scenes and the transitions that run for specific scene changes. To get the most impact out of your content, you can now use new window styles and themes to request translucent system UI , including both the status bar and navigation bar.

To ensure the legibility of navigation bar buttons or status bar information, subtle gradients is shown behind the system bars. A typical use-case would be an app that needs to show through to a wallpaper. Notification listener services can now see more information about incoming notifications that were constructed using the notification builder APIs.

Listener services can access a notification’s actions as well as new extras fields — text, icon, picture, progress, chronometer, and many others — to extract cleaner information about the notification and present the information in a different way. The new Chromium WebView gives you the latest in standards support, performance, and compatibility to build and display your web-based content.

It also brings an updated version of the JavaScript Engine V8 that delivers dramatically improved JavaScript performance. For example, you can use Chrome DevTools on your development machine to inspect, debug, and analyze your WebView content live on a mobile device.

The new Chromium WebView is included on all compatible devices running Android 4. You can take advantage of the new WebView right away, and with minimum modifications to existing apps and content. In most cases, your content will migrate to the new implementation seamlessly.

Now it’s easy to create high-quality video of your app, directly from your Android device. It’s a great new way to create walkthroughs and tutorials for your app, testing materials, marketing videos, and more.

With the screen recording utility, you can capture video of your device screen contents and store the video as an MP4 file on the device. You can record at any device-supported resolution and bitrate you want, and the output retains the aspect ratio of the display. By default, the utility selects a resolution equal or close to the device’s display resolution in the current orientation.

When you are done recording, you can share the video directly from your device or pull the MP4 file to your host computer for post-production. You can access screen recording through the adb tool included in the Android SDK, using the command adb shell screenrecord. You can also launch it through logcat in Android Studio. The client can start to feed the decoder input video frames of a new resolution and the resolution of the output buffers change automatically, and without a significant gap.

Resolution switching in Android 4. Apps can check for adaptive playback support at runtime using existing APIs and implement resolution-switching using new APIs introduced in Android 4. See the IETF draft for details. For high-performance, lower-power audio playback, Android 4. With tunneling, audio decoding and output effects are off-loaded to the DSP, waking the application processor less often and using less battery.

Audio tunneling can dramatically improve battery life for use-cases such as listening to music over a headset with the screen off. Media applications can take advantage of audio tunneling on supported devices without needing to modify code. The system applies tunneling to optimize audio playback whenever it’s available on the device. Visualization of how the LoudnessEnhancer effect can make speech content more audible.

Audio tunneling requires support in the device hardware. Currently audio tunneling is available on Nexus 5 and we’re working with our chipset partners to make it available on more devices as soon as possible. Apps can use new monitoring tools in the Visualizer effect to get updates on the peak and RMS levels of any currently playing audio on the device. For example, you could use this creatively in music visualizers or to implement playback metering in a media player.

Media playback applications can increase the loudness of spoken content by using the new LoudnessEnhancer effect, which acts as compressor with time constants that are specifically tuned for speech.

The audio framework can now report presentation timestamps from the audio output HAL to applications, for better audio-video synchronization.

Audio timestamps let your app determine when a specific audio frame will be or was presented off-device to the user; you can use the timestamp information to more accurately synchronize audio with video frames. To help with testing, a new Wireless Display developer option exposes advanced configuration controls and settings for Wireless Display certification.

Nexus 5 is a Miracast certified wireless display device. Performance benchmarks for Android 4. When your apps use RenderScript, they’ll benefit from ongoing performance tuning in the RenderScript runtime itself, without the need for recompilation. The chart at right shows performance gains in Android 4.

Any app using RenderScript on a supported device benefits from GPU acceleration, without code changes or recompiling. Now with Android 4. Now you can take advantage of RenderScript directly from your native code.

If you have large, performance-intensive tasks to handle in native code, you can perform those tasks using RenderScript and integrate them with your native code. RenderScript offers great performance across a wide range of devices, with automatic support for multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and other processors. When you build an app that uses the RenderScript through the NDK, you can distribute it to any device running Android 2.

Bluetooth MAP lets your apps exchange messages with a nearby device, for example an automotive terminal for handsfree use or another mobile device. Support is available right away on Nexus devices and other Android-compatible devices that offer compatible Bluetooth capabilities. Using the new API, you can build apps that let users remotely control nearby TVs, tuners, switches, and other electronic devices.

The API lets your app check whether the phone or tablet has an infrared emitter, query it’s carrier frequencies, and then send infrared signals. Apps that use video can now access the user’s captioning settings and adjust presentation to meet the user’s preferences.

A new captioning manager API lets you check and monitor the user’s captioning preferences. The captioning manager provides you with the user’s preferred captioning state as well as preferred locale, scaling factor, and text style. The text style includes foreground and background colors, edge properties, and typeface.

Apps can now refer to the user’s system-wide captions preferences. An example of the expected display style is shown right in the settings. In addition, apps that use VideoView can use a new API to pass a captioning stream along with a video stream for rendering. The system automatically handles the display of the captions on video frames according to the user’s systemwide settings.

All apps that show captions should make sure to check the user’s systemwide captioning preferences and render captions as closely as possible to those preferences.

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Android 4.4 kitkat free for pc. KitKat 4.4


Android KitKat brings all of Android’s most innovative, most beautiful, and most useful features to more devices everywhere. Find out more about KitKat for consumers at www. Android 4. KitKat streamlines every major component to reduce memory use and introduces new APIs and tools to help you create innovative, responsive, memory-efficient applications.

OEMs building the next generation of Android devices can take advantage of targeted recommendations and options to run Android 4. New configuration options let OEMs tune out-of-memory levels for processes, set graphics cache sizes, control memory reclaim, and more.

In Android itself, changes across the system improve memory management and reduce memory footprint. Core system processes are trimmed to use less heap , and they now more aggressively protect system memory from apps consuming large amounts of RAM. When multiple services start at once — such as when network connectivity changes — Android now launches the services serially , in small groups, to avoid peak memory demands.

For developers, Android 4. You can modify or disable large-memory features as needed, depending on the use-cases you want to support on entry-level devices.

Learn more about optimizing your apps for low-memory devices here. New tools also give you powerful insight into your app’s memory use. The procstats tool details memory use over time, with run times and memory footprint for foreground apps and background services.

An on-device view is also available as a new developer option. The meminfo tool is enhanced to make it easier to spot memory trends and issues, and it reveals additional memory overhead that hasn’t previously been visible.

With HCE, any app on an Android device can emulate an NFC smart card, letting users tap to initiate transactions with an app of their choice — no provisioned secure element SE in the device is needed. Apps declare the AIDs they support in their manifest files, along with a category identifier that indicates the type of support available for example, “payments”.

In cases where multiple apps support the same AID in the same category, Android displays a dialog that lets the user choose which app to use. When the user taps to pay at a point-of-sale terminal, the system extracts the preferred AID and routes the transaction to the correct application.

The app reads the transaction data and can use any local or network-based services to verify and then complete the transaction. Android apps can now print any type of content over Wi-Fi or cloud-hosted services such as Google Cloud Print. In print-enabled apps, users can discover available printers, change paper sizes, choose specific pages to print, and print almost any kind of document, image, or file. The platform provides a print manager that mediates between apps requesting printing and installed print services that handle print requests.

The print manager provides shared services and a system UI for printing, giving users consistent control over printing from any app. The print manager also ensures the security of content as it’s passed across processes, from an app to a print service.

You can add printing support to your apps or develop print services to support specific types of printers. Printer manufacturers can use new APIs to develop their own print services — pluggable components that add vendor-specific logic and services for communicating with specific types of printers.

They can build print services and distribute them through Google Play, making it easy for users to find and install them on their devices. Just as with other apps, you can update print services over-the-air at any time.

Client apps can use new APIs to add printing capabilities to their apps with minimal code changes. In most cases, you would add a print action to your Action Bar and a UI for choosing items to print. You would also implement APIs to create print jobs, query the print manager for status, and cancel jobs. This lets you print nearly any type of content, from local images and documents to network data or a view rendered to a canvas.

For broadest compatibility, Android uses PDF as its primary file format for printing. Before printing, your app needs to generate a properly paginated PDF version of your content. If your app knows how to draw the content, it can quickly create a PDF for printing. Most devices running Android 4. A new storage access framework makes it simple for users to browse and open documents, images, and other files across all of their their preferred document storage providers.

A standard, easy-to-use UI lets users browse files and access recents in a consistent way across apps and providers. Box and others have integrated their services into the storage access framework, giving users easy access to their documents from apps across the system. Cloud or local storage services can participate in this ecosystem by implementing a new document provider class that encapsulates their services.

The provider class includes all of the APIs needed to register the provider with the system and manage browsing, reading, and writing documents in the provider.

The document provider can give users access to any remote or local data that can be represented as files — from text, photos, and wallpapers to video, audio, and more. If you build a document provider for a cloud or local service, you can deliver it to users as part of your existing Android app.

After downloading and installing the app, users will have instant access to your service from any app that participates in the framework. This can help you gain exposure and user engagement, since users will find your services more easily. You can integrate your client app one time, for all providers, without any vendor-specific code.

The storage access framework and system UI for browsing make it easier for users to find and import their data from a wider range of sources. With sensor batching, Android works with the device hardware to collect and deliver sensor events efficiently in batches, rather than individually as they are detected. This lets the device’s application processor remain in a low-power idle state until batches are delivered. You can request batched events from any sensor using a standard event listener, and you can control the interval at which you receive batches.

You can also request immediate delivery of events between batch cycles. Sensor batching is ideal for low-power, long-running use-cases such as fitness, location tracking, monitoring, and more. It can make your app more efficient and it lets you track sensor events continuously — even while the screen is off and the system is asleep.

Sensor batching is currently available on Nexus 5, and we’re working with our chipset partners to bring it to more devices as soon as possible.

Moves and Runtastic Pedometer are using the hardware step-detector to offer long-running, low-power services. These new sensors are implemented in hardware for low power consumption.

The step detector analyzes accelerometer input to recognize when the user has taken a step, then triggers an event with each step. The step counter tracks the total number of steps since the last device reboot and triggers an event with each change in the step count.

Because the logic and sensor management is built into the platform and underlying hardware, you don’t need to maintain your own detection algorithms in your app. Step detector and counter sensors are available on Nexus 5, and we’re working with our chipset partners to bring them to new devices as soon as possible.

Along with the new provider and APIs, Android 4. Also, the system now allows only the default app to write message data to the provider, although other apps can read at any time. Apps that are not the user’s default can still send messages — the system handles writing those messages to the provider on behalf of the app, so that users can see them in the default app. The new provider and semantics help to improve the user’s experience when multiple messaging apps are installed, and they help you to build new messaging features with fully-supported, forward-compatible APIs.

A new immersive mode lets apps use every pixel on the screen to show content and capture touch events. Now your apps can use every pixel on the device screen to showcase your content and capture touch events. It’s ideal for rich visual content such as photos, videos, maps, books, and games. In the new mode, the system UI stays hidden, even while users are interacting with your app or game — you can capture touch events from anywhere across the screen, even areas that would otherwise be occupied by the system bars.

This gives you a great way to create a larger, richer, more immersive UI in your app or game and also reduce visual distraction. To make sure that users always have easy, consistent access to system UI from full-screen immersive mode, Android 4. To return to immersive mode, users can touch the screen outside of the bar bounds or wait for a short period for the bars to auto-hide. For a consistent user experience, the new gesture also works with previous methods of hiding the status bar.

Most apps structure their flows around several key UI states that expose different actions. Many apps also use animation to help users understand their progress through those states and the actions available in each. To make it easier to create high-quality animations in your app, Android 4. The transitions framework lets you define scenes , typically view hierarchies, and transitions, which describe how to animate or transform the scenes when the user enters or exits them.

You can use several predefined transition types to animate your scenes based on specific properties, such as layout bounds, or visibility. There’s also an auto-transition type that automatically fades, moves, and resizes views during a scene change. In addition, you can define custom transitions that animate the properties that matter most to your app, and you can plug in your own animation styles if needed.

With the transitions framework you can also animate changes to your UI on the fly , without needing to define scenes. For example, you can make a series of changes to a view hierarchy and then have the TransitionManager automatically run a delayed transition on those changes.

Once you’ve set up transitions, it’s straightforward to invoke them from your app. For example, you can call a single method to begin a transition, make various changes in your view hierarchy, and on the next frame animations will automatically begin that animate the changes you specified.

Apps can use new window styles to request translucent system bars. For custom control over the transitions that run between specific scenes in your application flow, you can use the TransitionManager.

The TransitionManager lets you define the relationship between scenes and the transitions that run for specific scene changes. To get the most impact out of your content, you can now use new window styles and themes to request translucent system UI , including both the status bar and navigation bar.

To ensure the legibility of navigation bar buttons or status bar information, subtle gradients is shown behind the system bars. A typical use-case would be an app that needs to show through to a wallpaper. Notification listener services can now see more information about incoming notifications that were constructed using the notification builder APIs.

Listener services can access a notification’s actions as well as new extras fields — text, icon, picture, progress, chronometer, and many others — to extract cleaner information about the notification and present the information in a different way.

The new Chromium WebView gives you the latest in standards support, performance, and compatibility to build and display your web-based content.

It also brings an updated version of the JavaScript Engine V8 that delivers dramatically improved JavaScript performance. For example, you can use Chrome DevTools on your development machine to inspect, debug, and analyze your WebView content live on a mobile device.

The new Chromium WebView is included on all compatible devices running Android 4. You can take advantage of the new WebView right away, and with minimum modifications to existing apps and content. In most cases, your content will migrate to the new implementation seamlessly.


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